The People's Democratic Republic of Korea – the people's paradise of socialism-contribution of Martin Lotscher-Swiss Korea Committee
9 th September Juche 112 (2023) To the European Regional Forum for Friendship, Exchange and Solidarity with the Korean people in celebration of the 75th founding anniversary of the DPRK The People's Democratic Republic of Korea – the people's paradise of socialism With the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) 75 years ago, on September 9th Juche 37 (1948), the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG gave the Korean people the greatest and most beautiful gift - a free, independent and democratic state. Three years after Korea's liberation from the colonial rule of Japanese imperialism, the Korean people received their own state in the liberated motherland. But just two years after it was founded, the young republic faced the most difficult and toughest test in its history. On June 25, 1950, the traitorous Syngman Rhee clique, punched and armed by the US imperialists, invaded the DP...