
Showing posts from August, 2023

The People's Democratic Republic of Korea – the people's paradise of socialism-contribution of Martin Lotscher-Swiss Korea Committee

  9 th   September Juche 112 (2023)   To the European Regional Forum for Friendship, Exchange and Solidarity with the Korean people in celebration of the 75th founding anniversary of the DPRK   The People's Democratic Republic of Korea – the people's paradise of socialism   With the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) 75 years ago, on September 9th Juche 37 (1948), the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG gave the Korean people the greatest and most beautiful gift - a free, independent and democratic state. Three years after Korea's liberation from the colonial rule of Japanese imperialism, the Korean people received their own state in the liberated motherland. But just two years after it was founded, the young republic faced the most   difficult   and   toughest   test   in its history. On June 25, 1950, the traitorous Syngman Rhee clique, punched and armed by the US imperialists, invaded the DP...

Contribution of Julien Hornet President Romania-Korea Friendship Association

 Distinguished guests, I warmly greet you on behalf of Romania-Korea friendship association, and express gratitude for organizing forum “75 years of Juche Korea”and solidarity with DPR of Korea.  The 75-year history of DPRK is a history of great struggle and victory, a history of great creation and transformation, in which, braving the tempest of the revolution under the leadership of the great leader and the great Party, the independence and honor of the country were defended and a thriving socialist country was built.  The high prestige and invincible might of the DPRK and all its successes in the revolution and construction are associated only with the august names of KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL.  Under the wise leadership of President KIM IL SUNG, the DPRK created a people-centered socialist system in which there is no exploitation and oppression .The improvement of the people's living standards is the supreme principle of state activity and this is und...

Message of KFA Poland

  Dear Friends, People of Korea!   On the Ninth of September, Juche 112, marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. On this occasion, we, the Korean Friendship Association Poland, would like to extend our warmest congratulations to you.   After 38 years of Japanese fascist and imperialist occupation, the Korean people were finally able to breathe freely again in the same air that set the proud flag of an independent Korea in motion. The scars left by this cruel time of captivity have made the Korean people's body even stronger, ready to self-determine its fate once again, and to stand up for its own independence against the brutal machinery of capitalism and imperialism, constantly trying to bring back times rightfully past. A few years later, the same nation defeated the united forces of the world bourgeoisie led by the United States of America, fighting under the illegally appropriated aegis of the 'United N...

Message of KFA Bulgaria

  75 years have passed since the founding of the DPRK..Land of Peace Land of Goodness .Land of Love.. The Great Leader and Eternal President Kim Il Sung was born on the Korean Peninsula, the Beloved Leader and Generalissimo Kim Jong Il was also born there ..Also on the Korean Peninsula the Beloved Marshal Kim Jong Un was born. Let’s not forget the Brave Soldiers of the   Korean People’s Army and People of the DRPK. Greetings on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Founding of the DPRK  by KFA-BULGARIA, Official Delegates -Veselin Nikolov and Krasimir Nikolov

Message of KFA Turkey

 Today marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the world's longest-standing socialist state. Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people have overcome all difficulties in their struggle against imperialism and colonial capitalism and today celebrate the 75th anniversary of their victory.  Founded 75 years ago under the leadership of the working class, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a slap in the face of imperialism and colonialism. The Korean people declared their independence by defending their right to self-determination and chose the bright path of socialism in this struggle. Today, the Korean people are building communism.  Today, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in addition to providing a prosperous life for the working people, has made tremendous progress in all fields, especially in science, art and culture. The importance attached to basic human rights such as education...

Message of congratulations to The Hybrid Meeting for the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK-Juha Kieski Finland -Korea Friendship Association

    Message of congratulations to The Hybrid Meeting for the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK   The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is to celebrate 75 th anniversary of its founding, and world progressive peoples together with all Korean people are looking back its glorious and proud history of 75 years. Since it was founded by great leader President Kim Il Sung , the DPRK has covered a long and victorious road of independence, sovereignty and social development. Today’s DPRK cannot be isolated from immortal exploits of great leader President Kim Il Sung and Juche Idea created by him. The founding of the DPRK under his leadership brought about a fundamental change in the shaping of the destiny of the DPRK and its people. Guided by the Juche oriented philosophy on State building, and under seasoned and sophisticated leadership of great leader President Kim Il Sung , the DPRK has been established and developed as a genuine country of the...

Contribution of Jef Bossyut -Belgium -Korea Friendship Association

  Dear Friends, We congratulate, on behalf of the Belgium Korea Friendship Association,    the   Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the occasion of 75 th   the anniversary of its foundation on   September 9 th , 1948. The foundation of the DPRK by president Kim Il Sung brought about a fundamental change in the history of the Korean people and the destiny of all countries in the world, that strive for their independence and sovereignty.   The Korean people, who   had been oppressed and humiliated for many centuries, became then the   proud masters of the State and the whole society. A socialist system was created, genuinely democratic, where workers, peasants and other working people apply their political rights and liberties.   Already during the harsh conditions of the heroic revolutionary struggle against the occupying imperialist Japanese forces, directed by the later president Kim Il Sung, the basis was laid for th...

Contribution of Maya Boneva, secretary general of Bulgarian Korean friendship association-

  TO EUROPEAN REGIONAL PREPARATORY COMMETTEE FOR CELEBRATING 70 th anniversary of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and 75 th Founding   Anniversary of the DPRK   Dear friends and comrades, We are honored to greet very warmly all members of the Regional Committee and personally dr. Dermot Hudson for the strong encouragement for us, other members of our common society for friendship with Korean people. On behalf of the Bulgarian friendship association as well as all members of Library Kim Ill Song we are expressing the deepest respect of Korean people who have been inspiring our admirations for their continual   dedicated efforts to protect their national independence and territorial integrity. Those days our solidarity with Korean people is in larger scale because of the greatest achievements of the country under the leadership of comrade Kim Jong Uhn. The contemporary focus of celebration those two bright events for us are to understand the hu...

75 years of Juche Korea - By Mikel Vivanko Official Delegate – KFA Spain Director – Juche Idea Study Group (GEIJ) of Madrid

- . On the National Day Juche 112, we, revolutionaries and progressive peoples of the world, greet with joy this special September 9, when 75 years ago Comrade Eternal President, His Excellency Kim Il Sung, founded the glorious Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the state of the workers and the line of defence for socialism, independence, anti-imperialism and internationalism.  The DPRK is the happiest country in the world because it is the people who control the means of production, and therefore their own lives. Juche Idea rightly teaches us that people have their destiny in their hands, they own it, but the means of production are also part of the destiny.  The legacy of the Eternal President was faithfully continued by His Excellency Comrade Eternal General Secretary Kim Jong Il, and today a bright future awaits Juche Korea under the wise leadership of His Excellency Comrade General Secretary Kim Jong Un. Together with the Worker’s Party of Korea, the People's Army and...

Speech of Dr M Jahangir Khan president of ICCSS and chairman of Bangladesh group for study of Songun policy

Speech of Dr M Jahangir Khan president of ICCSS and chairman of Bangladesh group for study of Songun policy   on the occasion of 75 th Founding Anniversary of great DPRK organized By the European Regional Preparatory Committee for the 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of DPRK. Dear Comrades and Friends,  First of all, we convey our congratulations to Dr Dermot Hudson Secretary-General European Regional Preparatory Committee for the 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of DPRK Vice-Chairman  OCFIPGPP and other brave comrades of the UK for organising this valuable event to memorize the founding day of DPRK. There are very bright responses from Europe and here's solidarity with DPRK. So much intensiveness to learning The immortal Juche and Songun philosophy. The organising of the regionally excellent forward to mankind. The date of September 9 is really a golden day of world history and it is the most remarkable story of the proletariat international. The dearest preside...

Pyongyang Today -video


From Voice of Korea. History and Tradition

Image                                                    There are many monumental creations representing devoted efforts of young people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In the chronicles of the revolution, the Korean young people wrought amazing miracles at the sites of grand construction including the Haeju-Hasong railway project, the northern railway project, the 40-odd-kilometre-long Youth Hero Motorway project and the construction of the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station which had to overcome the most unfavourable nature and terrain in the Korean history of building hydropower stations. The indomitable spirit of the Korean young people was based on the trust and love of the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who always led and held t...

History of leading the Korean youth movement
