Message of KFA Turkey
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the world's longest-standing socialist state. Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people have overcome all difficulties in their struggle against imperialism and colonial capitalism and today celebrate the 75th anniversary of their victory.
Founded 75 years ago under the leadership of the working class, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a slap in the face of imperialism and colonialism. The Korean people declared their independence by defending their right to self-determination and chose the bright path of socialism in this struggle. Today, the Korean people are building communism.
Today, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in addition to providing a prosperous life for the working people, has made tremendous progress in all fields, especially in science, art and culture. The importance attached to basic human rights such as education, health and housing demonstrates the virtue of socialism. The Workers' Party of Korea, resisting the weeds of capitalism, is an example to the peoples of the world.
The revolutionary determination and solidarity of the Korean people under the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un teaches us how important the struggle against capitalism is. We learn from the Korean people that it is necessary to oppose and fight exploitation, oppression and imperialist tyranny.
On this important day of the Korean people, we send greetings to their revolutionary determination and struggle.
Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!
Long live the Workers' Party of Korea!
Long live the Great Juche Idea! Long live the KFA!
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